Tag: word count

  • 2012 Writing Goals

    The abridged version: Write three times a week, every week except around certain vacation times until The Ageless is done Finish the first draft of The Ageless  by June Let The Ageless rest Revise The Century starting in June Finish at least two drafts (?) of The Century by year’s end Find agents to submit…

  • Use It or Lose It

    Last week, I talked about my obsession with writing. I mentioned how I’d awakened that morning with the next scene of The Ageless already in mind but didn’t have time to write. Turns out this is the perfect example the phenomenon known as “use it or lose it.”

  • Intersection

    Just finished writing 1,830 words on the subplot of The Ageless. I thought I’d stop there, having finally moved both groups into position, facing off against each other. But then I went ahead and wrote 545 from the main character’s viewpoint, to get me set up to write this awesome scene next time.