Tag: observations

  • Reading Retrospective

    Reading Retrospective

    In 2013, I didn’t read much in the science fiction and fantasy genre (or outside of it). I did much better in 2012, when I actually set a reading list for myself and went about completing it. This post is part of a series: Reading retrospective (what I managed to read in 2012 and 2013)…

  • Agent Coulson Lives!

    One year ago, I reviewed The Avengers, weighed in on the sexism debate, called Hawkeye the damsel in distress, and decided the real heroes of the movie were the non-superheroes. But I still had several unanswered questions.   Why Hawkeye? Today I listened to Joss Whedon’s commentary on The Avengers, which answered some of the…

  • Genres Bending, Blending, and Mixing

    In the speculative fiction genre, a perpetual battle wages between science fiction and fantasy. Just Google “difference between science fiction and fantasy” and you’ll find 100 different answers. Even the ancient Greeks struggled with defining genre, and they essentially invented it!   The Speculative Fiction Spectrum I’ve been mulling over how my novels fit into the…