Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Reinvention

    If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you got steered here from a page that no longer exists. That’s because I’m hard at work reinventing myself, my pursuits, my life. On October 17, 2017, my husband passed away. What followed were months that I only vaguely remember now, because everything was too shocking, too painful.…

  • 10 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books You Should Read (Indie Author Day)

    In celebration of Indie Author Day, I started thinking about all the great science fiction and fantasy I’ve read this year by indie authors. As you may know, I decided to make 2017 the Year of the Indie Author, in which I would read indie books exclusively. The year’s not over yet, so I won’t…

  • Why You Wish You Were Born on the Solstice

    When preparing to write my upcoming epic fantasy series, The Rifts of Renjian, I did a lot of research. Celestial workings matter because summer and winter children become magic wielders, or Enchanters. Children born in spring and fall (known as the Meridian seasons) have no magic powers. So I studied the seasons and how planetary bodies move.

Got any book recommendations?