Tag: science and technology
You Would’ve Done the Same
With a vibrant virtual reality, situations could be simulated that would rival reality. It would be great fun, but it would also be a helpful tool. In today’s court cases, the jury only imagines what a crime must have looked like. Sure, they can see photos of the aftermath. They can see video evidence. But…
Extrapolating the Future
In college, I wrote a story called “Sweet Dreams” about a girl who meets her clone. My science fiction and fantasy writing instructor’s major critique: It didn’t seem very futuristic. Other than cloning technology, I hadn’t extrapolated how other technologies might change in the future. A lack of extrapolation isn’t always a problem, of course. In…
A Quandary
The last time I mentioned my goals, I said I hoped to avoid rewriting my near-future science fiction novel The Century. Unfortunately, over the past few weeks, it’s become clear that’s exactly what it needs. I first began the concept of The Century in 2003. (See my timeline on Facebook.) In 2009, I revisited it,…