Tag: what if?
Is Interactive Fiction the Next Storytelling Format?
There’s plenty of buzz about something called transmedia storytelling — stories that exist on multiple platforms, allowing the audience to enter the world whichever way they prefer. This could be through a novel, a movie, a console video game, a board game, short webisodes, web comics, interactive fiction, and so on. As a writer, I…
Extrapolating the Future
In college, I wrote a story called “Sweet Dreams” about a girl who meets her clone. My science fiction and fantasy writing instructor’s major critique: It didn’t seem very futuristic. Other than cloning technology, I hadn’t extrapolated how other technologies might change in the future. A lack of extrapolation isn’t always a problem, of course. In…
The Second Self
In addition to the physical entity that can shake your hand and talk to you face-to-face, I also have a “second self” — the one that you’re interacting with right now. (Although I have to admit that perhaps interact isn’t the right word, since I may or may not even know you’ve read this.) This…